YISS - Yongsan International School of Seoul

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Dads’ Club United Soccer Team Defends Their Turkey Bowl Title

The 12th Annual Turkey Bowl, a soccer match which pits the Dads’ Club United against the YISS teachers and staff, took place on Saturday, November 9, on a beautiful, sunny fall morning. A nice crowd of spectators turned out and were greeted with donuts, coffee, and hot chocolate. The match consisted of three 30-minute periods and both squads fielded robust rosters with many new faces, which led to an intense, but good-spirited game.

After team introductions were announced by MC Mr. Brad Brunner and an opening prayer by Dr. Aquil Bayyan, the game was underway. The first period saw both teams with multiple chances, but no one was able to put the ball in the net resulting in a 0-0 tie. The first intermission provided time for the elementary cheerleaders to entertain the spectators as well as call out the first round of raffle prize winners. 

The second period brought fresh legs for both teams and the tight match continued until midway through the period when the DC United team was finally able to find the net and take a 1-0 lead. Although there were several more chances for both teams, both teams failed to score for the remainder of the period.   

The second intermission allowed for another round of raffle prizes and another adorable performance by the ES cheerleaders. Midway through the third period the DC United team extended their lead to 2-0 after a nice pass from the corner led to another goal. As the period continued a would-be goal from the staff team could have narrowed the score to 2-1, but it was waved off due to an offsides call. After that, the hard work and preparation of many Saturday morning practices by the DC United team paid off as they were able to hold on to a hard fought 2-0 victory and hoist the coveted Turkey Bowl Cup for the third year in a row.

After the game players from both teams came together at midfield for photographs, handshakes, hugs, and friendly exchanges. The fellowship continued as everyone made their way to the school cafeteria for a traditional Thanksgiving lunch was hosted by the YISS PTO. About 175 players, staff, parents and students enjoyed a delicious turkey meal with all the fixings. With the success of the event and the fun had by all, perhaps a spring rematch could be in the works. View photos from the Turkey Bowl.