YISS - Yongsan International School of Seoul

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MS Sports Return to Interscholastic Jamborees

Cross Country

It’s hard to believe that middle school interscholastic jamborees are starting up again! YISS’ very own middle school cross country team competed against four other schools (KIS, SFS, TCIS, and CI,) on Saturday, September 24. The last time cross country raced against other schools was back in 2019, so everyone was very excited. Chadwick hosted the meet on their campus. 

After all the schools arrived at the course, there was a walkthrough of where the competitors would be running. Afterward, the racers took time to stretch with each other. At 9:00 a.m., all 7th and 8th grade girls from all four schools began their race. The top three YISS runners from this race were Kate L. (8), Olivia Heun L. (8), and Olivia C. (7). The second race was run by the 7th and 8th grade boys. The top three YISS finishers were Charlie St. J. (8), Zion R. (8), and Eugene L. (7). The runners of the last and final race consisted of all 6th graders. A big congratulations to YISS’ very own runner, Justin S. (6), who finished first place out of all 6th grade runners! The top runners after Justin S. were Julian S. (6) and Raina C. (6). 

One of the YISS runners, Kate L. (8), said that she felt a mix of excitement and nervousness - excitement because she was going to run against other schools for the first time, but also nervous about doing well in the race. Many runners felt the same. 

There will be three more jamborees for the remainder of the season. Fantastic job to everyone who competed at this season’s first jamboree! Your coaches and fellow Guardians are incredibly proud of you. 

2022 MS XC Race Results @ CI

Boys' Soccer

On Saturday, October 1st, the MS boys soccer teams hosted a jamboree on our own campus. They competed agaisnt DSS, KIS, CI, KKFS, GSIS, and SIS. YISS had three different teams playing throughout the day: A1, A2, and B team. A1 and A2 consisted of equal skill mixed with 7th and 8th graders while B team is made up of 6th graders. All teams also have their own captains. For A1, the captain is Winston K. (8), for A2 the captain is Raymon M. (8), and for B team, Aiden R. (6) and Alon B. E. (6) are co-captains.

All soccer players started the day off with warming up early in the morning. Then, the matches started. All teams played three matches each against different schools. Coach Kim, the coach of the B team said that the 6th graders played very well, had great communication, and they all stepped up. Coach Harrison said that everyone played skillfully and confidently; all the nervousness washed away five minutes into the game. 

Isaac S. (8), the defender for A2 team felt nervous before the game, but felt very confident after winning their first match. Khanh D. (8), the goal-keeper for A2 team said that the reason why his team was able to win all three matches was because his team had a lot of chemistry. 

Great job to all of our YISS boys’s soccer teams, we look forward to seeing you continue to grow throughout the season!

Girls' Soccer

The MS Girls Soccer Teams showed up ready to play at their first jamboree of the season at SFS on October 8. The players set the stage for a great day with an impressive display during warm-ups. The B Team sent a strong message to the other teams as they dominated their opponents in the first game of the day.  Captained by Bria L. (6) and Ella C. (6), they went on to win their second and third games and then tied their final two.  Many players on the B Team scored multiple goals over the course of the morning, including Kyla M. (6), who scored a hattrick of three goals in the final game against SFS.  

The A Team, captained by Chloe S. (8) and Corrine C. (8), fought hard in their four games against the other A Teams. Up against the home team twice, they lost the first time but then improved significantly in their second game against them to lose by only one goal. They won and tied their other two games and did a fantastic job of meshing together as a team.  Both teams were cheered on throughout the day by a big group of family members who came out to support their players. 

Photos courtesy of Hannah Kim and Jason Kim.