YISS is a diverse school community offering a safe and caring environment. Our faculty and student body are accepting of all, regardless of nationality, social status, or background. Together, our students, parents, faculty, staff, and alumni collaborate to make our school a warm, welcoming place.
The YISS PTO is a dynamic group of parents who play a vital role in the YISS community. Participating in PTO events allows you to meet and interact with a diverse group of parents working together to enrich our children's education. The PTO organizes many events throughout the school year from social gatherings to service & fundraising events. We rely on the time, talents, and resources of parents to create memorable events for the whole family!
The Dads' Club is composed of YISS fathers who seek to contribute to our community and encourage other dads to do the same. Dads’ Club members man the cook-out grill at school events and organize movie nights, the Turkey Bowl, and the Father & Daughter Night.
The Athletics Booster Club supports our athletes by building school spirit and raising financial support. Boosters sell concessions and YISS spirit gear at home games and tournaments. The funds raised are used to offset the international travel expenses of our athletes.
Parents and teachers gather together regularly to pray for our students and families, as well as the faculty, administrators, and other members of our school community. Community Prayer is one of the ways we care for and support one another.