4th & 5th Graders Sing of Their Love of Learning

On May 16, the 4th and 5th grade students had the chance to give their parents glimpses of what they have been learning in music class this school year through their spring concert titled “For the Love of Learning.” The 4th grade started the show off by demonstrating their enthusiasm for learning with “I Like School.” They then went on to perform short songs from their music lessons, which included “Listen,” “No One in the House,” “Little Train,” and “Chipper Chopper Joe.” They then showed how they had learned to sing in parts and play percussion with a lively African song from Ghana, “Sansa Kroma.” Talented students performed their own recorder compositions, and then the 4th grade ended their portion of the concert with a singing, rapping, and spelling challenge called “THINK.”

The 5th grade students continued with the theme of the night, opening with “Education Rocks.” The Elementary Choir students then performed “The Ash Grove” and “Kusimama,” challenging pieces from the KIMEA ES Choir Festival. Then each homeroom performed fun songs they had chosen as a class to learn together including: “Look Up Child,” “Someone to Lava,” “Best Day of My Life,” and “Gold.” These songs allowed parents to see the ukulele-playing skills they learned this year. After this, students performed compositions they had made together. These showed their ability to compose and perform for voice, ukulele, and percussion, as well as give feedback to help each other improve.

The night ended with 4th and 5th grade together sending off parents with “Never Stop Learning,” a song that carried their main message of the night–that learning does not stop when we leave school, and we should keep learning and growing our whole lives through.

Click here to view the performance.


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