8th Grade Drama Students Perform Original Scenes

You often hear people say that middle school is full of “drama,” and while that may be true, sometimes it is actually good drama! The 8th-grade drama class spent the last part of the semester working on their final production, “The Untalented, Somewhat Talented, We Got Talent Talent Show.” Each student had to write their own scene and perform it, and in spite of the virtual school challenges, they were able to put a pretty good show together. The talent show includes a Kpop parody, a mysterious pie shop owner, a robbery gone right, and a low-budget Hank Young production, just to name a few.

Drama is a great way to build self-confidence, collaborate with others, and express creativity.

Kpop is king in Korea, and our students used that to their advantage in their scenes. Adding a little humor and musical talent, they show what it might really mean to those who didn’t know the K in Kpop stands for Korea!

Where do you find a robber who ends up getting robbed, a man trying to pay for a Coke with a loaf of bread, and a fortune teller using a volleyball as a crystal ball? Drama, of course, where imagination goes wild!

If you would like to watch the performance, you can find it here: 8th Grade Drama Performance Video.


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