9th Grade ELA Explores “Voice and Choice” in Gallery Walk

What excites students more about learning than being in the driver’s seat? Well, maybe getting to share their discoveries with the audience that matters most – their peers.

In Mrs. Martinez’s 9th grade English class, students were in charge during the unit called “Voice and Choice.” From the beginning, students were allowed to select a book (fiction or nonfiction) that interested them. After reading, they chose a topic related to the book and used the inquiry process to research. Finally, students were able to communicate their learning in their preferred format. Some students made infographics while others made short films or Prezis. 

Students shared their final products with their peers during a Gallery Walk. After a preview of all products on display, students selected six-eight projects they wanted to take a deeper dive into. They spent several minutes engaging with the information and then left feedback for their peers.

Student agency provided passion and purpose for learning. More importantly, it empowered students to develop soft skills so they are ready to face the future.


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