Elementary Swimmers Master Skills and Strokes

During the fall semester, students in kindergarten through 5th grade participated in a full, in-person swim unit at the YISS pool. The staff and students really enjoyed the experience! Based on their grade levels, the students learned different swim skills and strokes. Read about what each grade worked on mastering this semester in the paragraphs below.

Kindergarten: A perfect start!

Students learned that the water carries them and that they can float without touching the bottom. In addition, students were able to put their heads completely underwater and blow bubbles! These little swimmers are now also able to jump in the water from the pool deck. Well done!

1st grade: Little swimmer!

Students worked on mastering the skills of making circles with their arms and swimming a few meters in a prone position. With energetic flutter kicks, they are able to move forward and from one position to another comfortably.

2nd grade: Splash!

Students worked on mastering the skills of making arm circles in the supine position while kicking. They are also able to dive in the water with a forward roll. Way to go!

3rd grade: Great Progress!

Students worked on mastering the skill of swimming like grown-ups. They can swim freestyle now and have started to learn how to dive. When students need to get some air, they are able to inhale while turning their heads to the side.

4th grade: Congratulations!

Students worked on mastering the skill of swimming backstroke with no problems. They also learned to perform a starting dive and swim whole pool lengths!

5th grade:  Like a dolphin!

Students worked on mastering the skill of swimming a 25m freestyle with starting dive, and in addition, they know how to swim like a dolphin!


YISS Guardian Roundup: November 2022


Turkey Bowl Ends in an Epic 8-7 Penalty Shootout