YISS - Yongsan International School of Seoul

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GOES Teams Serve Orphanages in Cambodia and the Philippines

YISS' high school Guardians Outreach Education & Service (GOES) program sent teams to serve in Cambodia and the Philippines during Spring Break this year. The teams were able to serve local children while having fun.


The Cambodia team partnered with HisChild, a ministry in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, in their various outreach programs. HisChild’s vision is to minister to the children of Cambodia by running an orphanage and youth center. They have a Mobile Drop-In Center, a bus that drives to villages each week to run programs with children. Teams from HisChild also go to villages each week, providing basic healthcare needs and running programs with the children, as well as hosting Bible studies for the adults. HisChild has also started an international school, whose mission is to equip students to be useful citizens of Cambodia and be spiritually grounded.

For the GOES trip, the YISS team prepared a skit, songs, crafts, and games focusing on the story of Jonah and the Whale for children at the church, school, and village ministries. The team was also able to explore the history and culture of Cambodia, as they explored sites of Cambodia’s tragic history.

Leaders: Ms. Brown, Mr. Nelson, Mrs. Nelson, Ms. Williams

Members: Alex B. (9), Sungyu C. (11), Jay C. (9), Sandra C. (9), Katie J. (9), Sean K. (9), Tanya K. (9), Grace K. (9), Jenny K. (9), Luis K. (9), Anne L. (9), Eric L. (9), Lauren L. (9), Kevin L. (9), Breanna M. (9), Isabelle P. (9), Ryan R. (9), Jean Y. (9)


The trip to the Philippines to serve at Samaritan’s Place, an organization that provides family-style residential care for kids and community services, has the most returning members each year. Many of the seniors this year served in Manila all four years in high school. The students are attracted to repeated service at Samaritan’s Place because they can take a break from the pressures in life, hear inspiring testimonies, and witness a community that serves from their hearts.

Despite all the fun the YISS students had in Manila, they also aimed to impact the orphanage in a physical way as well. Whether they worked on a mural for the new garden or for the local health center, they all served contently. Being able to play with the orphans and the community also brought much joy to the team members. Some of the older orphans remembered the returning members, showing that the trip was meaningful to both parties.

Leaders: Ms. Morley, Ms. Samson, Mr. Southard

Members: Ga Yoon C. (12), Sam C. (12), Yehjee K. (12), Kevin L. (12), Isadora O. (12), Gracie P. (12), Sherly P. (12), Vanessa S. (12), Rachel C. (11), Eliana K. (11), Daniel L. (11), Joanne L. (11), Noah P. (11), Saron S. (11), Nicky C. (10), Megan P. (10), Jojo P. (10), Haeli R. (10), John W. (10)