YISS - Yongsan International School of Seoul

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MS Pop Science Class Tackles the Growing Trash Crisis

Trash is a growing concern and a major topic of discussion today. News reports have targeted the implications for trade and economies, the growing concern of microplastics in the ocean and the health concerns caused by overflowing landfills. Multiply the growing population of Earth by how much trash we each accumulate daily and suddenly the challenges can seem overwhelming. 

This quarter, the 6th grade Pop Science class tackled this crisis head on in their Trash Solutions Project Fair. Each student researched the growing trash crisis. They learned how they contribute to the problem and also how they could make a difference. Student projects included proposals to burn trash for energy and use paper straws instead of plastic in our own cafeteria, personally upcycled products and edible cutlery, as well as promotions for commercial products made out of trash such as shoes from gum and ocean trash and cups made from orange peels. Other YISS students and staff were invited to come learn about the problems we face regarding trash and how creativity and innovation are being used to find solutions.