New Students Get Acquainted with Staff and Campus

New Student Orientation for the 21-22 school year was held on August 2-3. New students and parents had the opportunity to meet their classroom teachers and administrators.  

For some students, this day was the first time they got to visit the campus. While virtual tours and pictures are great, there is nothing like stepping inside your new school building. For other students, they may already have a sibling enrolled at YISS, so they may be familiar with the school, but now it is their school, too. No matter which group new students fall under - all were excited (and maybe a little nervous) to begin their time at YISS.

Meeting the administrators and teachers is always a highlight for the families. They could now put a face to a name from the letters they received prior to their arrival. This year, staff walked families from the lobby to their classrooms which lead to some great impromptu conversations.

When they arrived, families could complete last-minute registration items in the lobby. The Admissions Team was available to answer questions and accept final documents. Ms. Yoo and Ms. Im covered topics such as: getting students to and from school, where students get picked up and dropped off, what time students arrive at school, and many more. Nurse Han was on hand to answer any health-related inquiries. 

Additionally, registering for Schoology has become an integral part of NSO as it is the primary means of communication between parents and the school. The Tech Team was in the lobby to help families register and answer any questions. They also provided training for new MS/HS students.

Our hope is that NSO allowed families to connect with each other and our staff as they began the transition to a new school and possibly a new country. YISS is grateful for a great community ready to welcome new families.


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