Senior Class Gather for One-Day Senior Retreat

On Saturday, September 21, seniors took time off from their studies and activities to participate in the Senior Retreat. The retreat provides an opportunity for seniors to gather in a relaxing environment to engage in activities to help them get to know one another better and bond as a class. Art teacher Ms. Zellmer, math teacher Mrs. Yoon, counselor Ms. Dooley, and high school principal Dr. Bayyan shared about their college experiences in the hopes of preparing our students. 

In addition to team-building activities, students engaged in a session designed to help them learn how to transition well. Ms. Dooley shared how to build a R.A.F.T. (Reconciliation, Affirmation, Farewell, and Think Destination) as a way to leave well and start well in a new place. She shared many practical steps that students could take to prepare for their transition. After a nice lunch, seniors divided into teams of three to five people and had fun participating in the Amazing Race, which took them around the YISS campus and the Itaewon area.

It is our hope that the Senior Retreat allowed seniors to strengthen their relationships and give them greater confidence as they move forward in their final year of high school.


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