YISS - Yongsan International School of Seoul

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Parents Meet Teachers, Admin Face-to-Face at ES Open House

On August 25, the elementary teachers and leadership team welcomed parents on campus for our first open house in person since 2019. The event began in the auditorium with a welcome presentation from the elementary leadership team regarding school communication, report cards, and an overview of the counseling and chaplain services. 

Parents then made their way to homeroom teachers' classrooms to hear presentations regarding the YISS ES instructional philosophy, practices, and curriculum. Teachers also offered parents time for questions and conversation. Parents could also view their child’s work displayed throughout the classrooms and hallways.

Specials teachers and Support (ELL & SLS) teachers also opened their classrooms to welcome parents and were available for drop-ins throughout the evening. 

This event was a wonderful opportunity for parents and teachers to connect. We are grateful to have had parents in person and look forward to the on-campus opportunities this school year will present for our community!